Start | Kellys | SEASON (2013)

General information

ModelSEASON (2013)
Released on the market2013
For womenAluminum Alloy
For kids-

Frame materialAluminum Alloy
Frame typeOpen
Collapsible frame-

Fork typeTough
Shock absorber type-
Shock absorber pressure-
Fork name-

Wheel driveRear
Drive typeChain
Transmission typewith planetary gear
Number of speeds3
System name-
Cassette name-
Front derailleur gears name-
Rear derailleur gears name-

Shifters typeGrip-Shift
Shifters name-

Front brakesAPSE
Front brakes name-
Rear brakes-
Front brakes name-

Number of wheels-
Wheels diameter26 "
Double rimAluminium
Rim materialAluminium
Rims name-
Tyres patternSlicks
Tyres nameSlicks

Handlebar typeWith the rise of
Handlebar nameWith the rise of

Seat typeTravel
Seat suspension-
Seat nameTravel

Pedals typePlatform
Pedals name-

Front panelBusch+Muller/B?chel Champs Elysees LED
Rear panel panelBusch+Muller/B?chel Champs Elysees LED
TrunkBusch+Muller/B?chel Champs Elysees LED
Rearview mirrorBusch+Muller/B?chel Champs Elysees LED
HornBusch+Muller/B?chel Champs Elysees LED
BasketBusch+Muller/B?chel Champs Elysees LED

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